Our History
The Heart Within
“Everything is Generated from the Heart — Mine and Yours” -Edna Earl
While collecting shells on a beach in North Carolina one sunny July day, a rock washed up on the shore that immediately caught my eye. I was drawn to it, though I didn’t know why. It stood out among my collection of shells and seemed to have a significance all its own. I often pondered the rock, which now resided in its own shadow box in my home. One day it finally dawned on me that this was the special logo for which I had been searching for so long.
The rock mirrors the shape of a heart, slightly fractured. It represents the brokenness people feel when they can no longer care for themselves like in the days of their youth. Through their aches, pains, and compromised abilities we come in and meet them where they are.
Home Care with Edna Earl began in the heart, and we take to heart our assignment in life to bring comfort and compassion to those in need of our care. Just like the rock birthed at the bottom of the North Carolina Sea, we become your special rock to lean on in your time of need.